EcoZenze protects our water


LineClenze conserves our water

LineClenze is committed to developing and working with products that reduce impact on the environment compared to the alternatives. System28, our system for cleaning beer lines and keeping them clean for longer, extends the time between line cleans. Cleaning every 28 days instead of 7 reduces the fresh water used and waste water, beer and cleaner that goes down the drain - by at least 75%.  

Not only that, its use also removes 100% of aggressive, high alkali cleaner going down the drain. 

The powder is pH neutral in solution and fully dissolves in cold water.



LineClenze saves water

LineClenze saves water in a number of ways. By extending beer line cleaning cycles you will reduce water use by at least 75% - from 7 to 28 days with LineClenze System28 and 7 to 14 days with EcoZenze Activ powder alone. There's less rinsing required with System28 too.

Our cleaning powder for wineries, Veritas, takes out processes in the cleaning procedure saving time but also saving a lot of water, which, when you consider the weather in wine-producing regions, is a massive boost to save this highly valuable resource. We also think the waste-water could be able to be used for irrigation.


Making a difference!

The company was developed from a family’s commitment to all things green. That doesn’t mean we are in any way airy fairy, in fact quite the opposite is the truth as our management team’s experience shows. We felt we could only make a difference, make a positive impact, by recognising that we all want and need to live our lives with some levels of consumption but if we can minimise the effect of that, then we have succeeded. To continue doing this in the years to come we must be sustainable, both as a profitable business as well as in the ways we work. 

We are not coy about what we want to achieve 

We want to remove as much water use as we can, reduce the waste produced and reduce the harsh waste. Developing EcoZenze Activ powder we were able to get rid of many of the harsh chemicals found in other beer line cleaners. In doing this created a product that is no danger to aquatic or marine life - it's better from a Health & Safety perspective for the humans that have to work with it too.

We developed our koi carp environmental symbol after a real event. A landlord threw our EcoZenze powder into his fishpond instead of their food. He expected the worst in the morning. But was amazed to see his prized koi happily swimming around with no harm done, just a little hungry. 

We also enjoyed the fact that this sat well with our brand. Japanese art has shown koi in many ways and so sits well with the Zen in our name. It’s the natural cycle of things – you know it makes sense, EcoZenze. 

LineClenze, environmentally friendly products

Ecozenze still improving

We are constantly developing ways to lessen our impact in bringing these greener products to market and getting them to our customers.

We are working out how long after System28 is installed its beneficial effects – less waste down the drain, less use of water and power and so on – become neutral and then positive; these are not straight forward calculations. We also look to reduce the effect of our own products in terms of packaging for example. Our powder needs to remain in an airtight and waterproof container, we are looking into how we can re-use our packaging without the collection having a bigger negative effect or indeed if there is a better solution than the recyclable plastic we currently use. Amanda Daniels our Director of Green Innovation (and one of the key drivers behind the environmental stance of LineClenze) has said “we want people to be able to enjoy life, go for a beer and so forth, without worrying about the environmental impact that’s having. If they know it’s a bit less, all the better. Let’s make it easy”.

LineClenze sustainability

Make profit sustainable

If you would like to find out more about how LineClenze can help your company’s sustainability targets and save money and waste in the process, please get in touch.

Contact us